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Auto-Spinning Quartz Banger? Meet the Latest from Pro-Series

February 24, 2023

In the past couple of years, spinning carb caps have become the top choice for dabbers who use terp pearls with their quartz bangers.  Spinner caps are specially designed to create a vortex inside their banger which will get their pearls to spin rapidly inside the cup of their banger.

But what if you wanted to get your pearls spinning without the need of a specially designed cap?  Then meet the Pro-Series Auto-Spinner Banger..


We took our most popular banger (Pro-Series Full Weld XL Thick Bottom) and added two precisely shaped holes on each side of the wall.  When capped off with a top-marble, airflow is completely cutoff through the top of the banger and forces all airflow to come in through the two side holes.  The result is an intense vortex in the bottom of banger that will make pearls spin rapidly with jet-like power.  The function of the Auto-Spinner Banger truly rivals the best spinner caps on the market.

This is definitely somewhat of a gamechanger because over the years, we've come across so many spinner caps that simply don't do their job.  Sometimes the holes on the bottom of a spinner cap can be too big or too small which will make it difficult to spin your pearls.

How to Cap an Auto-Spinner?

We love pairing this banger up with any Top Marble.  That's because a marble's round shape fit perfectly on-top of the banger's beveled top lip. They cut off all airflow from the top (which is necessary for an auto-spinner to function properly) and they come in variety of eye-catching styles that can take your banger and rig setup to a new level.  One of my favorites is the Planetary Marble:

Shop our New Auto-Spinner Banger and Marble Here:




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